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CFC-AF-457x457-T600-SW. Adapter frame 457mm square, metal plate ceiling, T-bar raster 600

£50.80 ( £60.96 incl. tax)
  • Buy 2 for £49.78 ( £59.74 incl. tax) each and save 2%
  • Buy 4 for £48.77 ( £58.52 incl. tax) each and save 4%
  • Buy 6 for £47.75 ( £57.30 incl. tax) each and save 6%
  • Buy 8 for £46.74 ( £56.09 incl. tax) each and save 8%
  • Buy 10 for £45.72 ( £54.86 incl. tax) each and save 10%
CFC-AF-457x457-T600-SW. Adapter frame 457mm square, metal plate ceiling, T-bar raster 600
Product Code: 215635

Ledge for mounting into a metal plate ceiling or T-bar ceiling

When mounting the cleanFiltering cassette into a metal plate ceiling or a T-bar ceiling, the cleanFiltering cassette is equipped with ledges to adjust the given cleanFiltering cassette dimensions to the installation opening size. It is needed to specify the respective information into the „Ceiling type, raster" field in the ordering code. The ledges are manufactured from a steel sheet with the same surface finish as the one chosen for the cleanFiltering cassette.

By default, the ledge is supplied already mounted onto the cleanFiltering cassette, if the mounting into a specific ceiling type is entered in the ordering code.

Additional Details
Additional Details
Delivery This item is usually stocked overseas and takes about 2-3 weeks to deliver. If stock in UK deliverable in 3-4 days. Enquire on 01729 824108
Brand Systemair
Warranty 1 year manufacturers warranty
InstalMaintenOperInstr_PP-38_CFC_201702.pdf (11.4MB)
CFC-C2H-305x305x80-160.pdf (0.2MB)