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•  Heat recovery from polluted airstream
•  Dirty air - no problem!
•  Particle Repellent Geometry (PRG)
•  Recovered heat from air to water/glycol
•  Designed and built bespoke

Product Code: Lepido

Introduction to the Enjay dirty air heat exchanger

Hot dirty exhaust air streams from industrial processes and commercial kitchens are perhaps one of the greatest untapped sources of energy.

Whilst heat recovery from exhaust 'comfort' air is commonplace, tapping the far greater source of heat from hot, dirty industrial air streams is typically considered too difficult. 

Conventional heat exchangers with an array of copper pipes and aluminium fins work well in clean air but very quickly block in dirty air. If recovering heat from a dirty exhaust airstream onto fluid (water/glycol) is the problem -  then the solution is a Lepido dirty air heat exchanger.  

Enjay dirty air heat exchanger repels dirt 

When air travels in a straight line parallel to a surface small eddy currents of are created as the air passes the surface. These have the net effect of separating the particulate matter which typically collides with the adjacent surface that the air is passing. The net effect is that the surface, or fins in the case of a heat exchanger, attract the dirt. This lowers the efficiency of the heat transfer process and ultimately blinds the heat exchanger.  

Enjay is different. This dirty air heat exchanger has a very precise matrix of heat exchange pipes that force the air to turn and accelerate. This has the effect of pushing the particles to flow between the pipes rather than impinge onto them. Dirt passes through the Lepido rather then collect on it. This concept is called particle repellent geometry or PRG for short. 

An Enjay dirty air heat exchanger is larger than a traditional heat exchanger because it has a lower density of heat transfer surface per unit volume. And, it is more expensive. But...

•   It does not require prefiltation 

•   It will not fail and block 

•   It will ensure reliable heat recovery

•   It will need periodic cleaning (generally the tubes are the front) 

•   It will lower your energy cost

•   It will pay for itself in quick time 

To find out more please take a look at the video and take a look at the case studies via the download buttons at the foot of this page.  


A great video to explain the particle repellent geometry behind the Enjay dirty air heat exchanger

Enjay is a design and build product. If you have an application for a dirty air heat exchanger please get in touch so we can help you recover the waste heat that you have already bought and paid for. 




Additional Details
Additional Details
Delivery This item is usually built to order. Enquire on 01729 824108
Brand Enjay
Warranty 1 year manufacturers warranty
_Brochure_Enjay_Eng_2024_(1).pdf (0.8MB)
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_Case_Pancake_factory.pdf (1.1MB)